
Summary. The purpose of the study is to reconstruct the biography and to analyze the scientific achievements of Iryna Nestiuk, a prominent representative of Lviv Ethnological School of Adam Fischer formed at Lviv University during the interwar period. The methodology of the study is based on the application of the methodological principle of historicism, as well as general scientific and specially scientific methods, first of all, prosopographic, hermeneutical and comparative-historical. Priority is given to scrupulous study of archival primary sources and verification of the information available by comparing the same facts from the biography of the personality reflected in different documents. The research novelty of the study is that for the first time in Ukrainian and foreign historiography, based on the involvement of archival materials, biography of I. Nestiuk is presented, which can serve as a basis for further more thorough studies on the scientific heritage of the scholar. The factual material and theoretical generalizations given in the article will be important for historical studies in the course of cultural and intellectual history of Drohobychyna and Galicia in general. Conclusions. Native of Drohobychyna (born in Medenychi, now Drohobych district, Lviv region) Iryna (Yaryna, Irena) Nestiuk (Nestiuk-Ivanchuk, pol. Nestiuk-Iwanczuk, Iwanczuk-Nestiukowa) belongs to the ethnologists, whose formation as scientists was due to the Department of Ethnology and the Institute of Ethnology under the direction of Professor A. Fischer, who worked at the University of Lviv during 1924–1939. Her biography reflects the peculiarities of the educational and scientific process organized by these units, as well as the next stage of the development of ethnology at Lviv University – the activities of the Department of Folklore and Ethnography under the direction of Professor Filaret Kolessa in the late 1930s – early 1940s. In addition, the biography and scientific activity of I. Nestiuk makes it possible to fully reveal the Ukrainian dimension of Lviv Ethnological School of A. Fischer; to cover the peculiarities of ethnologists training at Lviv University in the 1930s (lectures, practical classes, examinations, defense of masters and doctoral works, etc.); to characterize the so-called «ethnographic monographs» (on the example of I. Nestiuk’s doctoral thesis «Ethnographic Monograph of Zamośc County») as a genre of scientific works; to analyze interdisciplinary studies in the field of Slavic Studies, oriented towards the training of both philologists and natural scientists; to show the change of vector of ethnographic field expeditions of Lviv University ethnographers in the late 1930s – early 1940s from the Carpathians, West Podillya and the Pomeranian region to the territory of the historically-ethnographic Volyn and adjacent territories of the Polish-Ukrainian border (then Zamośc County).


  • Each new source-prosopographic study allows supplementing the overall picture of the cultural and intellectual history of the region. It is worth emphasizing the native of Drohobych region, Iryna (Yaryna, Irena) Nestiuk (Nestiuk-Ivanchuk, Iwańczuk-Nestiukowa). She is one of those scholars, who were among the most promising ethnologists in Lviv in the late 1930s and early 1940s, but the events of World War II dramatically changed the life of the researcher, and in the postwar years her figure and scientific background were forgotten

  • In 1931 I enrolled at Lviv University at the Faculty of Philology, where in 1934/35 I gained a degree in Folklore and Ethnography, and in 1935/36 – M[a]st[e]r’s degree in Slavic Philology

  • From 1936 to 1939 I worked on my doctoral thesis and in 1939 on 23 June I passed the exam for the degree of Doctor of Ethnology

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Мета дослідження – реконструювати біографію та проаналізувати науковий доробок Ірини Нестюк (Iryna Nestiuk) – чільної представниці Львівської етнологічної школи Адама Фішера (Adam Fischer), сформованої у Львівському університеті у міжвоєнний період. Nestiuk only in the context of broader topics – the history of the Department of Ethnology (1924 – 1939) and the Department of Folklore and Ethnography (1939 – 1941, 1944 – 1947) of Lviv University, Lviv Ethnological School of A.

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