
Buffaloes in Iraq represent the most productive animal since its domestication in Mesopotamia about 1 pre-historic era recently, domesticated buffaloes all over country go through drastic factors from (1980_2006), such as (gulf wars, marsh drainage, rinder pest plaque, economic blockade ) which are attributed to widely changes in animal environment ,geographical sites, and dangerous decline in buffalo population accompanied by reduced fertility and feed shortage, resulted in switch of buffalo raising and started to work on another easy jobs .lastly American war in 2003 lead to marsh return and finally ethnic-fighting release, so thousands of buffalo breeders (Madan) started a big mass moving from hot-spot area around Baghdad countryside villages nearer to conflicting sectors in Anbar and sallah aldin provinces towards southern marshes (natural habitats before along time).This new theater encouraged Iraqi government represented by Ministry of agriculture through three involved companies to put strategic plane for buffalo development in future.

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