Abstract In Siran, as far as we could determine, 5 monasteries and 23 mosque waqfs were founded during the Ottoman rule. Siran was annexed to Ottoman territory in the 16th century and became one of the burghs of Sancak of Sarki Karahisar within the province of Erzurum. It then gained town status in the 17th century. In this study, the purpose of establishing waqfs of dervish hospices and mosques and their fields of services were examined. In addition, information is given about the people at the service of these waqfs, the incomes and expenditures of the dervish hospices and mosque waqfs and the inheritance of these waqfs to the period of Turkish Republic. Thus, the role of these waqf institutions played in the Ottoman provinces was revealed in detail, with the aim of knowing the social history of Siran better. Keywords: Siran, waqf, dervish hospices, mosque, Gumushane Oz 16. yuzyilda Osmanli Devleti topraklarina katildiktan sonra Erzurum eyaletinin Sarki Karahisar sancagina tâbi nahiye merkezlerinden biri iken, 17. yuzyilda kaza huviyeti kazanan Siran’da, tespit edebildigimiz kadariyla 5 zaviye ile 23 cami vakfi tesis edilmistir. Incelemede, zaviye ve cami vakiflarinin ne maksatla kuruldugu ve bu vakiflarin hizmet ettikleri alanlar irdelenmistir. Ayrica, vakif kurumlarinda gorevli kisiler, zaviye ve cami vakiflarinin gelir-giderleri ve bu vakiflardan Turkiye Cumhuriyet donemine intikal edenler hakkinda bilgi verilmistir. Bu suretle vakiflarin Osmanli tasrasinda oynadigi rol ortaya konulmaya calisilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Siran, vakif, zaviye, cami, Gumushane.
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