
This study aims to analyze the level of IQ intelligence of prospective elementary school students as readiness to enter elementary school. The entry of primary education is regulated by the government through the education and culture office, with one of the references that prospective elementary school students, in addition to age, must also have cognitive, social and emotional intelligence maturity. According to the Permendikbud, the minimum age for primary school entry is 6-7 years old. However, students under 6 years old who want to enter primary school must take a psychological test or get a recommendation from a psychologist. The method used was descriptive with data collection techniques using the DAP IQ intelligence test. The research sample consisted of 60 prospective primary school students who would enter grade one at SDNU. The results showed that the average IQ score of prospective elementary school students was 101. The analysis results show 87% 52 of prospective elementary school students have an average IQ intelligence level, 10% 6 students an IQ intelligence level above average, and 3% 2 students an IQ intelligence level below average. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that most prospective NU elementary school students have normal and above average IQ intelligence levels, so they are ready to follow the learning process at SDNU.

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