
Standard video games are applications whose development process often follows a traditional software methodology. Serious Games (SGs) are a tool with an immensely positive impact and great success. SGs enable learning and provide entertainment and self-empowerment, which motivates students. The development of an SG consists of complex processes requiring multi-disciplinary knowledge in multiple domains, including knowing the learning domain and adding the appropriate game mechanics to foster high intrinsic motivation and positive player experience that makes the players feel like they are having fun while learning. Otherwise, the game is viewed as boring and not as a fun and engaging activity. Nevertheless, despite their potential, the application of SGs in education has been limited in terms of pedagogy. Several authors assert that this lack is because SG standards and guidelines have not been developed. There is an imbalance between experts’ contributions to education and game design specialists for the SG development. Not all the SGs that have been developed have applied appropriate design methodologies that incorporate both the entertainment mechanics and the serious component. To ensure that an SG meets the user’s expectations, it must be designed using an appropriate method. This work aims to present iPlus, a methodology for designing SGs based on a participatory, flexible, and user-centered approach. Additionally, this paper analyses several case studies with the iPlus methodology.


  • The education system has changed rapidly with the development of learning technologies.Rote and non-participatory activities are left behind in support of analytical and research skills that require students to use technological tools

  • Bloom’s taxonomy levels are knowing, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating; Theory of Learning Multiple Intelligence [72,73]: This theory is related to human beings’ capacities. These only need to be enhanced, and if they do not, they are measured in the usual intelligence tests. This researcher has identified eight different types of intelligence: linguistic–verbal, logical–mathematical, visuospatial, musical, corporeal–kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalistic); Brainstorming [74,75]: Brainstorming is a tool to generate original ideas in a relaxed environment; Affinity Diagram [76]: This is a tool that synthesizes a set of verbal data, grouping them based on the relationship they have between them; Gamification [38,39]: This consists of the use of design mechanics, elements, and techniques of games in the context where they are not games, to engage users and solve problems [77]

  • We introduce a new participatory methodological approach to designing serious games. iPlus was conceived with experimental protocols and experts from different knowledge areas that have validated its various stages

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The education system has changed rapidly with the development of learning technologies.Rote and non-participatory activities are left behind in support of analytical and research skills that require students to use technological tools. Despite new implementations, one sees a rising school dropout level, perhaps due to students’ decreasing motivation to learn. This problem has generated the necessity to define innovative learning strategies that help to revert this trend. Bernard Suites [6] from the mathematical current says, “To play a game is to attempt to achieve a specific state of affairs, using only means permitted by rules”. He notices the need to play under some rules so that the game can be a game. His definition does not account for the more modern video games, where the players are NOT limited in scope

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