
In mitosis, the centromeres of sister chromosomes are pulled toward opposite poles of the spindle. In meiosis I, the opposite is true: the sister centromeres move together to the same pole, and the homologous chromosomes are pulled apart. This change in segregation patterns demands that between the final mitosis preceding meiosis and the first meiotic division, the kinetochores must be restructured. In budding yeast, unlike mammals, kinetochores are largely stable throughout the mitotic cycle. In contrast, previous work with budding and fission yeast showed that some outer kinetochore proteins are lost in early meiosis. We use quantitative mass spectrometry methods and imaging approaches to explore the kinetochore restructuring process that occurs in meiosis I in budding yeast. The Ndc80 outer kinetochore complex, but not other subcomplexes, is shed upon meiotic entry. This shedding is regulated by the conserved protein kinase Ipl1/Aurora-B and promotes the subsequent assembly of a kinetochore that will confer meiosis-specific segregation patterns on the chromosome.

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