
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) improve the traffic management and road safety by exchanging real-time data between automobiles and roadside infrastructure. Reliable Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) solutions tend to boost VANET data security, integrity and dependability. These systems communicate VANET data between infrastructure and automobiles using sensors, Internet of Things (IoT) devices and communication technologies. IoT-driven includes a Real-Time Traffic Observation optimizes VANET route design. Traffic management and safety improve with ITS-connected cars and infrastructure. Remote communication technologies enhance traffic management and decision-making by sending a real-time data between cars and infrastructure. Smart parking systems use real-time parking availability data from IoT sensors and devices to maximize space use and reduce congestion. Security and misbehavior are dependable problems in 40 IoT-driven VANET studies. Miscommunication and unstandardized are the main security issues which pose hazards. This review shows VANETs that requires authentication, encryption and anomaly detection to prevent attacks and IoT for transportation sector. This extensive review covers VANET reliability and IoT-driven real-time traffic monitoring, ITS, remote communication and intelligent parking systems. This review analyzes the metrics to assess the many detection techniques which includes, misconduct-Aware On-Demand Collaborative Intrusion Detection System (MACIDS) and Collision-Induced Dissociation Spectroscopy (CIDS), (i) Accuracy (ii) False Positive Rate, (iii) precision, (iv) recall (v) False Negative Rate and (vi) F1-Score in VANET security in Attack Detection Rates (ADR), misbehavior detection, evaluation metrics and detection algorithms were studied using CIC-IDS data. Due to misconduct and security issues, a strong IoT-driven solutions are required to improve VANET trustworthiness and offers a secure and reliable vehicular communication networks for safer and more efficient transportation systems.

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