
In this paper a system is developed for monitoring the crops in green house using solar energy. India is an agricultural country and the agricultural sector accounts for 18% of GDP of India. This sector provides 50% employment to Indian workforce. As per 2011 census of India, almost 65% of people are fully dependent on agriculture. In spite of fertile land, crops yields are not more than compared to developed countries. Therefore, it is not wrong to say that from time to time there has been less development and research in agriculture sector. Technology may play a vital role in agricultural sector, because it reduces human effort and time. The developed system is a combination of power electronics and power system in which the system uses GSM technique (Global System for Mobile communication), Arduino, and various sensors to sense the real time data in greenhouse. Using sensor, the system obtains the real time data of the crops and then transmits it on the user mobile. The user can monitor and control the temperature, watering and light through mobile.

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