
This paper presents the design and implementation of a health monitoring system using the Internet of Things (IoT). In present days, with the expansion of innovations, specialists are always looking for innovative electronic devices for easier identification of irregularities within the body. IoT-enabled technologies enable the possibility of developing novel and noninvasive clinical support systems. This paper presents a health care monitoring system. In particular, COVID-19 patients, high blood pressure patients, diabetic patients, etc., in a rural area in a developing country, such as Bangladesh, do not have instant access to health or emergency clinics for testing. Buying individual instruments or continuous visitation to hospitals is also expensive for the regular population. The system we developed will measure a patient’s body temperature, heartbeat, and oxygen saturation (SpO2) levels in the blood and send the data to a mobile application using Bluetooth. The mobile application was created via the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) inventor app and will receive the data from the device over Bluetooth. The physical, logical, and application layers are the three layers that make up the system. The logical layer processes the data collected by the sensors in the physical layer. Media access management and intersensor communications are handled by the logical layer. Depending on the logical layer’s processed data, the application layer makes decisions. The main objective is to increase affordability for regular people. Besides sustainability in the context of finance, patients will have easy access to personal healthcare. This paper presents an IoT-based system that will simplify the utilization of an otherwise complicated medical device at a minimum cost while sitting at home. A 95 percent confidence interval with a 5 percent maximum relative error is applied to all measurements related to determining the patient’s health parameters. The use of these devices as support tools by the general public in a certain situation could have a big impact on their own lives.

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