Numerical experiments carried out using the Lee code to study some properties of ions beam (flux, fluence and ion beam energy) produced by the NX2 dense plasma device when using light gas (helium) and heavy gas (nitrogen) when gas pressure changes. The results showed that in the case of light gas (helium), the flux and fluence of the beam were higher while the ion beam energy was higher in the case of heavy gas (nitrogen) because the effective charge of nitrogen's ion is greater and also the voltage generated by the collapse of pinch was higher.
Dense plasma focus plasma is one way to get a very hotvery dense plasma through an electric discharge within a gas confined in a device called the DPF device
In this paper we studied the changes in some of the characteristics of the ions beam when gas pressure was changed using the Lee code
Using Lee code, a series of numerical experiments carried out on the dense plasma focus device according to the following parameters: i Capacitor bank parameters: L0 = 20 nH, C0 = 28 μF, r0 = 2.3 mΩ. ii Parameters of the plasma tube: b = 4.1 cm, a = 1.9 cm, z0 = 5 cm. iii Operating parameters: V0 = 14 kV. iv Parameters of the model: fm = 0.08, fc = 0.7, fmr = 0.2, fcr = 0.7 [15]
Dense plasma focus plasma is one way to get a very hotvery dense plasma through an electric discharge within a gas confined in a device called the DPF device. Lee's code is one of the most important codes used to simulate the plasma focus phenomenon This code links the electrical circuit parameters with the kinetics, thermodynamics and radiation emissions of the plasma focus in advance to a realistic simulation of all the characteristics of the plasma focus. It was first developed in 1985 and was a two-stage program that was used to describe and improve plasma focus devices [3] and was later developed into five phases [4]. The information calculated by this code includes the dynamics of the axial and radial phases, the advantages and
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