
The Low Energy Radioactive Ion Beam (LERIB) facility [1] will be used to produce low-energy radioactive-ion beams (RIBs) with energies up to 60 keV. Radioactive reaction products will be created by a 66 MeV proton-beam impinging on a target made of carbide disks, such as SiC [2]. These reaction products will then be ionized in a target-ion-source (TIS) and extracted as beam. The TIS design allows three ion-sources: a surface ion-source [3], a forced electron-beam induced arc-discharge (FEBIAD) ion-source [4], and a resonance-ionization laser ion-source, or RILIS. The surface-ionization source was commissioned with stable beams in October 2021. The production of ions from Group-1 elements was accomplished with beams of 39K+, 41K+ and 23Na+ where currents were measured in the μA range. This source may be advantageous for producing stable pilot-beams for future radioactive-beam experiments. The FEBIAD is still in development at present.

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