Quantum communications and remote sensing protocols rely on preparing individual quanta of light, or photons, as carriers of quantum information. While it is easy to generate many-photon classical states of light (e.g., a light bulb or a laser), it is challenging to generate single quanta or pairs of entangled quanta on-demand. Yet, only in this latter regime can the fundamentally quantum nature of light be exploited to achieve performance exceeding classical bounds.We are developing a single-photon source based on combining a one-parameter single electron pump (Figure 1a,b) – an electrically controlled, on-demand, high-fidelity emitter of single electrons [1] – with a lateral p-n junction [2] (Figure 1c,d) in which injected single electrons recombine with holes to produce single photons. These devices are realized in undoped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures and designed to be ambipolar. Such a quantum light source could lead to a paradigm shift in metrology, providing a quantum redefinition of two of the seven SI base units, the ampere and the candela. It is also possible in principle to realize scalable source arrays on a single chip. I will discuss progress towards realizing and characterizing these sources, including work on optimizing collection efficiency and Purcell enhancement using a lateral distributed Bragg reflector in a concentric ring geometry. Beyond fundamental studies, the proposed photon source will find practical use in quantum communications protocols (QKD), where it can offer fast data transmission rates, and quantum sensing with LiDAR, where it could outperform laser-based systems in the few-photon regime for low-power, stealth applications.[1] B. Buonacorsi et al, “Non-adiabatic single-electron pumps in a dopant-free GaAs/AlGaAs 2DEG”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 114001 (2021).[2] L. Tian et al, “Stable electroluminescence in ambipolar dopant-free lateral p-n junctions”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 061102 (2023). Figure 1
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