Due to their large bandgaps (≥ 3.4 eV) compared to Si and SiC, AlGaN alloys have superior material properties that are appealing for the next generation of high-voltage power devices. Most notable is that the critical electrical field scales as the bandgap to the 2.0-2.5 power. Thus, diodes employing wide bandgap semiconductors are expected to operate at higher breakdown voltages with thinner and more heavily-doped drift regions, leading to lower resistive losses compared to Si-based devices. Additionally, the formation of AlGaN-based heterojunctions and the utilization of polarization fields offer design options not possible for devices based on materials such as SiC and diamond. Noteworthy demonstrations of high voltage (> 3 kV) PN and Schottky barrier diodes in both GaN and AlGaN alloys confirm the potential of III-Nitride materials for power devices. However, full exploitation of the efficiency gains promised by III-Nitrides for power management systems also requires vertically-conducting transistors for current switching, in addition to diodes. Analogous to power diodes, vertically-conducting power transistors such as D-MOSFETs employ a thick n-type drift layer to stand-off high reverse voltage, but unlike simple PN diodes, have the p-type material limited to spatially defined regions over the surface of the device. “Selective area p-doping” is typically accomplished in SiC and Si devices by implantation and activation of p-type dopants. However, implantation processing in III-Nitride structures has to date only yielded PN junctions that exhibit significantly higher reverse current leakage than continuously-grown PN junctions. Selective-area epitaxial regrowth of p-type material in regions etched into the drift layer offers an alternative to implantation. However, regrown pn junctions on plasma-etched III-Nitrides with low reverse leakage current have not been demonstrated. In this presentation we will discuss the advances in epitaxial p-regrowth for forming pn junctions on inductively-coupled plasma (ICP) etched n-type GaN and Al0.3Ga0.7N drift layers. The role and sources of unintentionally-introduced Si at the regrown interface will be presented. Additionally, approaches to ameliorate damage and defect states introduced by ICP etching through wet-chemical and in-situ reactor thermal treatments prior to p-regrowth will be related to current-voltage characteristics of regrown diodes. While high voltage GaN-based diodes have been fabricated on vertically-conducting GaN substrates, AlGaN-based high voltage diodes with thick drift layers (≥ 5 μm) have been fabricated on AlN and sapphire substrates. The insulating nature of these substrates necessitates planar device geometries that result in high ohmic losses, heating, and degraded device performance. However, the thick drift layer and the smaller lattice constant of AlGaN alloys present significant challenges for realizing vertically-conducting AlGaN power devices on GaN substrates. Here we report a method for fabricating vertically-conducting AlxGa1-xN PN junctions grown on conducting GaN substrates. An n-type GaN substrate is patterned with parallel, sub-micron-wide mesas separated by trenches etched > 0.5 μm deep prior to AlxGa1-xN overgrowth using metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. We find that growth temperature, V/III ratio, and group-III molar flux can be used to manipulate the crystalline facets formed along the etched pattern prior to AlxGa1-xN coalescence. Using the described process, coalesced planar AlxGa1-xN epitaxial layers were achieved with less than 6 μm of overgrowth for Al mole fractions up to 0.45, which is the highest Al mole fraction reported to date. Cathodoluminescence measurements of an overgrown Al0.3Ga0.7N epilayer indicate that the density of threading dislocations is mid x 108 cm-2 which is similar to that measured for Al0.3Ga0.7N epilayers overgrown on patterned Al0.3Ga0.7N on sapphire. The current-voltage characteristics of vertically-conducting AlGaN PN diodes grown on GaN substrates will be presented. The information, data, or work presented herein was funded in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E), U.S. Department of Energy under the PNDIODES program managed by Dr. Isik Kizilyalli. This work was also supported, in part, by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development program at Sandia National Laboratories. Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA-0003525
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