Wide bandgap semiconductor gallium nitride (GaN), along with silicon carbide (SiC) are replacing silicon materials in the applications for power electronic devices. While SiC-based power technologies are based on bulk SiC substrates, GaN-based power technologies have until recently been based on GaN layers grown on foreign substrates such as sapphire, SiC and Si substrates. To achieve the full potential of GaN power devices, devices on bulk GaN substrates are desirable. In this review, the use of synchrotron X-ray topography techniques to evaluate defects and strain in bulk GaN substrates for vertical device development is presented. Ray tracing simulations is shown to effectively identify the Burgers vectors of all dislocations on X-ray topographs from GaN materials. Ammonothermal-grown GaN substrate wafers show the best quality among all the wafers. These wafers, which are free of basal plane dislocations (BPDs), have low curvature and threading mixed dislocations (TMDs) dominant among the TDs. However, certain ammonothermal substrates contain growth sectors with different impurity concentrations that are likely inherited from prior seed expansion growth runs. Patterned hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) GaN reveal a starkly heterogeneous distribution of dislocations with large areas containing low threading dislocation densities in between a grid of strain centers with higher threading dislocation densities and BPDs. These substrates also contain growth sector boundaries separating core regions growing in <11-22> directions and surrounding regions growing along [0001]. HVPE GaN substrates are characterized by high lattice distortion and dislocation densities of the order of 105-106 cm-2, which is much higher than 103-104 cm-2 of ammonothermal samples and dislocation-free areas in the patterned HVPE samples. Epitaxial growth and other processes involving heat treatment (including annealing) does not nucleate new defects but can result in interactions of dislocations (threading screw dislocations(TSDs)/threading mixed dislocations (TMDs)/threading edge dislocations (TEDs)) with point defects leading to changes in dislocation configurations. Mg-ion implantation for p-type doping does not change the distribution of dislocation but introduces lattice damage. By Rocking curve Analysis by Dynamical Simulation (RADS) analysis of X-ray rocking curves, the depth profile of strain can be obtained and correlated with doping profile. During annealing the implanted samples to heal lattice damage and activate the Mg ions, proper capping is necessary to limit loss of matter and introduction of additional lattice distortion. However, high pressure annealing has been shown to eliminate the need for capping. The effect on microstructure from other selectively area doping techniques such as etch and regrowth, diffusion and neutron transmutation will also be discussed.
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