
SiC has become the key player among wide bandgap semiconductors for power electronic applications. Since the first description of the physical vapour transport (PVT) growth process of SiC by Tairov and Tsvetkov (J. Crystal Growth, 43, 209(1978)), there has been steady progress in SiC-based crystal growth, epitaxy and device processing. The success of SiC compared to Si is related to its superior material properties such as extremely high electrical breakdown field and high thermal conductivity compared to the standard silicon counterpart. In addition, SiC device processing utilises much of the standard Si processing equipment. A major reason for the success of SiC in power electronic applications compared to other wide bandgap counterparts such as GaN, Ga2O3 and diamond is related to the availability of large diameter SiC wafer materials (150mm = standard, 200mm = developped). Bulk SiC growth is now a very well developed process with comparatively high yields. The extraordinary physical properties also include obstacles related to the strong chemical bonding and complex phase diagram of the material, which pose challenges to the growth process. Therefore, there are still a number of open questions related to the nucleation, progression and termination of the bulk growth process that require fundamental research in materials science and technology.The aim of this presentation is (i) to give an overview of the state-of-the-art PVT growth process and (ii) to discuss a current research topic dealing with the early stage of the growth process and the defect formation that can occur during the initial nucleation of SiC. We have applied 3D in-situ visualisation of the growth process using X-ray computed tomography to visualise island formation on the large seeding area. These data are related to growth process instabilities such as temperature variations during the seeding process and axial doping level changes from the seed to the newly grown crystal. Both process instabilities induce mechanical stress on the SiC lattice and act as sources for dislocation generation and multiplication. We will show a series of growth processes with varying growth parameters that shed light on the initial growth stage of SiC.As the crystal diameter of SiC increases from 150 mm to 200 mm, the results of this study become increasingly important.

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