
<h3>Glucose-Fatty Acid Cycle</h3> The glucose-fatty acid metabolism cycle appears to encompass the liver as well as muscle and adipose tissue, a Columbus, Ohio, investigator reported to the annual meeting of the Central Society for Clinical Research in Chicago in November. It has been suggested that the interaction between glucose and fatty acid in muscle and adipose tissue takes the form of a cycle in which glucose availability controls the release of fatty acids from fat deposits, and fatty acids suppress glucose utilization in the muscles. "Since the liver is the major source of circulating glucose, we have investigated the effect of the free fatty acid level on hepatic glucose release with the view of possibly extending the concept of reciprocal fatty acid-glucose control mechanisms to include the liver," Frederick A. Kruger, MD, said. Isolated rat livers were perfused by the portal vein, using parallel perfusion circuits which permitted quick alteration

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