
The paper deals with publication of the results of investigations of the object of the second half of 13th — early 14th centuries on the multilayer site Ivankiv 3 situated in Ivankiv district of the Kyivan region. Northern districts of Kyivan Polissia are archaeologically little known ones. Since 2013 the archaeological investigations have been carried out there by the authors. During last 5 years 25 monuments were inspected. The settlement Ivankiv 3 is distinguished among them. It is multilayer monument in the flood-lands of the Teteriv river left bank, among Zaprudka village and Ivankiv town. It is situated on the dune hill. The authors found flinty tools of the Mesolithic—Neolithic, ceramics of the Bronze and the Early Iron Ages, the 11th—12th and 16th—17th centuries on the settlement area. However the rectangular shaped object of the second half of 13th — early 14th century excavated in the years 2014—2015 is the most interesting. It was 3.1 Ч 1.8 meters long and 0.95 meter deep. Perhaps it was household building crushed by a fire. It was filled with black soil mixed with carbons, fired clay and animal bones. There were a number of materials in the object. Ceramics is presented by pots mainly. The shapes of their rims are of the post-Mongolian period. Some of them are with spots of glaze that demonstrate a glaze production at that time. There are also fragments of bowls, covers and brown glazed jugs. Among other materials there were a small spin-wheel of pyrophyllite and fragments of that mineral, iron hook, two bits of glass bracelets and two grindstones. The animal bones from the object belonged to 5 pigs, 2 goats / sheeps, a cow, 2 beavers and a fish. The slags of iron production were found on the area as well.
 The investigation of the site is very important to study the regional history in the post-Mongolian period.


  • Північні райони Київського Полісся в археологічному плані з різних причин досі є малодослідженою територією

  • Породи дерева визначені за мікроструктурою по трьох розрізах, за допомогою мікроскопу

  • Інший варіант використання — переплавка в низькому горні: подрібнити, піддати високій температурі, щоб відділився шлак, а метал зварився в крицю

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Визначення дерева

На визначення порід дерева надійшло 6 зразків дрібного вугілля зі споруди. Матеріал зібраний шляхом ручного відбору з ґрунту. Породи дерева визначені за мікроструктурою по трьох розрізах, за допомогою мікроскопу. Отримані результати порівнювалися з даними визначників деревини Усі екземпляри вугілля визначаються як дуб (Quercus sp.). Диагностические признаки древесины главнейших лесохозяйственных и лесопромышленных пород СССР. Определитель древесин по микроскопическим признакам с альбомом микрофотографий. Diagnosticheskiye priznaki drevesiny glavneyshikh lesokhozyaystvennykh i lesopromyshlennykh porod SSSR. Opredelitel drevesin po mikroskopicheskim priznakam s albomom mikrofotografiy.

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