
Solvation shell structure of a 7-piperidino-5,9-methanobenzo[8] annulene (PMA) in water has been investigated in ambient conditions using both molecular dynamics (MD) and Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics (CPMD) calculations. From the MD calculations, we find that this molecule exists in three major conformational states out of which two are in twist-boat forms and one in chair form. Due to the limited time scale accessible in CPMD simulations, we have studied all the three conformational states separately using CPMD. The molecular geometry, electronic charge distribution and solvation structure for all three forms are investigated. The stability order of the chair and twist-boat conformations in water solvent has been reversed when compared to the gaseous phase results and in the case of polar aprotic solvents (J. Org. Chem., 1999, 61, 5979). From the radial distribution function, we find that the solvent density around the chair form is significantly lower, which has to be directly related to the smaller solvent accessible area for this conformation and this is in complete agreement with earlier reports. Among the findings are that the solvation shell structure around the nitrogen atom in the chair form of PMA is considerably different from the open conformational forms or the twist-boat forms. The dipole moment for the closed form is found to be significantly larger when compared to the twist-boat forms.

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