
Leadership is a kind of behavior style thatshows priority related to task and duty or people and human realize the objective The aim of this study is to examine how the level of relations among the paternalistic and servant leadership styles over traditional national culture (TNC), organizational commitment (OC) and subordinate response (SR) and how strong the level of relations between these two leadership style in terms of the reactions of SR, the impact of the TNC and OC in Turkey or visa versa. We will seek to explore the ongoing discussion on servant and paternalistic leadership that affect differently on the dimension ofTNC, OC and SR. There are important relations between them. To be more meaningful we can rank these relations in itself from the strongest or intensive to the weakest relations. The strongest relations are between the subordinate response and the servant leadership; between the traditional national cultural reflection on the leadership and organizational commitment; between the organizational commitment and the subordinate response; between the servant leadership style and the paternalistic leadership style. The weakest relations are between the traditionsl national culture and paternalistic leadership, servant leadership and subordinate response; between the servant leadership and the organizatioanal commitment.

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