
Automobile industry and magneto-rheological dampers are now a new area of research. Magneto-rheological mufflers utilize the energy generated by magnetic fields, and scientists have initiated a re-consideration of new damping systems. The suspension system based on magneto-rheological fluid in modern era is becoming an intelligent system with superior properties such as strength, controllability, range, response time, energy utilization, structure etc. In magneto-rheological dampers number of required components are too less which leads to cost effective suspension. In this exploration, a magneto-rheological damper was fabricated, and experimental study had been performed. The magneto-rheological damper's construction cost is not as much since it doesn’t have intricate components. The modern enquiries the consequences of magnetic field/current on applied load, yield stress, and stress developed in suggested magneto-rheological dampers. The experimental results illustrate the effect of external load, yield stress, & stress generated in suggested dampers depends on magnitude of current/magnetic field. The experimental investigation also demonstrates that magneto-rheological dampers work at a specific threshold magnetic field substandard to critical value of a magnetic field, magneto-rheological fluid reposes in a liquid phase. The threshold magnetic field and mechanical properties are inter-related with each other in magneto-rheological based dampers.

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