
The decay constant of radioactive materials is an inherent property ofradioisotopes and an indicator of their nature. The presence of radioactivematerials in the environment, including water supplies, leadsto radioactive contamination, which is a potential and actual threatto the living ecosystem. Taheri Consciousness Fields (TCFs) have adifferent nature from the known physical fields, and their effects havebeen previously investigated and proven on the magnetic propertiesof materials and living organisms at different levels. In this study, theeffects of TCFs on the radioactive properties of the technetium-99mradioisotope as well as water contaminated with this nuclear isomerhave been investigated. According to the findings, and in accordancewith the principles of TCFs, these Fields apparently have less significanteffects on the radioactive properties of the technetium-99mradioisotope. However, importantly, in conditions where this nuclearisomer leads to pollution in the vicinity of water molecules, TCF type 2clearly increases the effective decay constant. The results show thatTCFs demonstrate significant effects on reducing and eliminating radioactivecontaminants in aquatic environments.

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