
The optical absorption (OA) spectrum of LiF:Mg,Ti has been studied as a function of dose at two different cooling rates following the 400 °C pre-irradiation anneal in order to further investigate the role of cooling rate in the thermoluminescence (TL) mechanisms of this material. “Slow-cooling” following the pre-irradiation 400 °C anneal substantially decreases the OA bands at 3.25 eV and 4.0 eV, in agreement with the overall loss in TL peaks 2–5 intensity using slow-cooling routines. Slow-cooling appears to shift the maximum intensity of peak 5 to lower temperatures (a behaviour which has been attributed to an enhanced intensity of peak 5a), however, no difference in the shape of the 4.0 eV OA band is detected following “slow-cooling”. Apparently the OA band related to peak 5a is too close in energy to the peak 5 OA band to be observed due to lack of sufficient resolution and spectral deconvolution process or it is not present at room temperature (RT) and formed during heating of the sample. The intensity of the 4.0 eV OA band does not change if the sample (prior to irradiation to a standard dose of 200 Gy) is irradiated to 4 kGy followed by a 500 °C/1 h post-irradiation anneal. This result demonstrates that the loss of intensity at high levels of dose (so-called radiation damage) of TL glow peak 5 results from alteration of the LCs or to the creation of additional competitive centers and is not correlated with the dose behaviour of the TCs.

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