
Background: Neutron transfer measurements for the $^{18}$O + $^{28}$Si system have shown that the experimental one-neutron and two-neutron transfer cross sections are well reproduced with spectroscopic amplitudes from two different shell model interactions for the Si isotopes: \textit{psdmod} for the two-neutron transfer, and \textit{psdmwkpn} for the one-neutron transfer. Purpose: The origin of this ambiguity can be related to a more complex mechanism in the one-neutron transfer that requires the unpairing of neutrons prior to its transfer in the ($^{18}$O,$^{17}$O) reaction. Studying a nucleus where this characteristic is absent ($^{13}$C) should help to elucidate this question. Method: One-neutron transfer cross sections were measured for the $^{13}$C + $^{28}$Si at E$_{lab}$ = 30, and 34 MeV, and compared with coupled reaction channel calculations using spectroscopic amplitudes derived from the \textit{psdmod} and \textit{psdmwkpn} shell model interactions. Results: The spectroscopic amplitudes from the \textit{psdmod} interaction for the relevant states in $^{29}$Si provide a good description of the experimental data and the corresponding values agree with previous estimates obtained from the (d,p) reaction. Conclusions: The experimental data for the one-neutron transfer to $^{28}$Si induced by ($^{13}$C,$^{12}$C) reaction is well reproduced using spectroscopic amplitudes from the \textit{psdmod}.

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