
One of the most important problems for humanity is maintaining health. It is much easier and more cost-effective to protect it than to fix it after it has deteriorated. Modern medicine has also caught up with this point in recent years and has started to give more importance to preventive medicine practices, as Islam has been emphasizing for 1400 years. For this reason, preventive medicine practices such as intermittent fasting and eating less, which are recommended both in Islam and in scientific studies, are very important in terms of protecting health, reducing health expenditures and the workload of hospitals. In this study, we have compared the Qur'an and hadiths, which are the main sources of Islam, with the current medical literature datas. We have shown that they both point to the same points and make recommendations in the same parallel, such as intermittent fasting. With this study, which is the first and original in this respect, we aimed to contribute to the protection and improvement of both individual and social health and to reduce health expenditures and the workload of hospitals.

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