
Improving the reliability of fixing fixed orthopedic structures of dentures is an urgent issue at all times. Due to the increase in the variety of materials in the modern world, the choice for dentists has become even more difficult. Various types of fixing materials are used in the clinic, and their choice depends on the specifics of the clinical situation and the material of the structure from which it is made.
 One of the types of cements are zinc-phosphate, which are used in practice for a long time and are characterized by sufficient adhesion strength. Representatives of this group have become less popular in the orthopedic dental clinic, since its properties are considered insufficiently satisfactory. Undoubtedly, any fixing material has both pros and cons. It is possible to get high-quality treatment with a dental prosthesis in the oral cavity if the fixing materials are correctly selected, the principles of preparation are observed and a high-quality adhesive protocol is performed.
 The article describes a study of the adhesive ability of individual zinc-phosphate cements, which was carried out in laboratory conditions at the technical base of LLC "Tselit" Voronezh. 30 teeth of the chewing group were used, which were divided into groups according to the use of materials: "NeoDent" LLC Celit, "VISCIN" LLC Raduga-R, "Adhesor" SpofaDental (Czech Republic).
 The strength of adhesion was studied using the method - shear test, which determines the strength of the connection of dentine tissue with zinc-phosphate cement.

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