
Relevance. Treating caries in deciduous teeth remains one of the most complex challenges in pediatric dentistry. The bond strength between the enamel and dentin of deciduous teeth and restorative materials is crucial for the durability of hard tissue restorations in these teeth. This article evaluates the adhesive strength of restorative materials to the enamel and dentin of deciduous teeth using a universal adhesive system, both with and without prior etching with orthophosphoric acid.Purpose. To assess the adhesive bond strength of dental filling materials to the hard tissues of deciduous teeth, contingent upon the enamel and dentin etching techniques used with a universal adhesive system.Materials and methods. This study measured the adhesive strength of a composite filling material to the enamel and dentin of deciduous teeth using a universal adhesive system. The methods included both the absence of preliminary etching with 37% orthophosphoric acid (self-etch technique) and the application of preliminary etching of enamel and dentin with 37% orthophosphoric acid (total-etch technique). Sixty extracted deciduous teeth from children aged 6-8 years were used. Adhesive strength was assessed using the shear test of the filling material in cylinder form against the substrate surface.Results. Significant differences were observed in the adhesive bond strength of the composite material to the hard tissues of deciduous teeth when using 37% orthophosphoric acid before applying the adhesive system (total-etch technique) compared to no preliminary etching (self-etch technique). When filling carious lesions in deciduous teeth, if the defect is within the enamel, etching the surface with 37% orthophosphoric acid significantly (by two-fold) enhances the adhesive strength of the bond with the composite material using a universal adhesive. However, when repairing defects located deeper than the enamel layer in deciduous teeth, no statistically significant differences were observed in the adhesive strength with or without dentin etching. The optimal adhesive bond strength of composite materials to the hard tissues of deciduous teeth under laboratory conditions was attained by selectively etching the enamel with 37% orthophosphoric acid, followed by the application of a universal adhesive system to both the enamel and dentin.

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