
Graphene has been considered as a single sheet with sp2-bonded carbon atoms arranged in a two-dimensional honeycomb configuration. In our work, we demonstrate few-layer graphene field effect transistor (GFET) suspending on Si/SiO2 and utilize Raman spectroscope to characterize the strain effects of suspended graphene. We find that red shift appears in Raman G peak and 2D peak because of tensile strain on the graphene surface. Besides, we also measure output characteristic curves (Isd–Vsd) and transfer characteristic curves (Isd–Vg) in a four-probe configuration. Based on the out-put curves of GFET, the resistances of graphene without strain and with strain are equal to ∼28×103 Ω and ∼31×103 Ω, respectively. Combined with the tensile strain value of the graphene calculated by the Raman spectrum, the graphene piezo-resistive sensitivity coefficient GF=∼21. These results provide a theoretical basis for the preparation of high-performance graphene electronic components.

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