
Empathy is one of the cases which is necessary for people to live together. Because the first rule of establishing good relations with the close environment, it requires to understand what they're feeling in their good or bad moments and it needs to act accordingly.The aim of this study is to investigate the empathy level of university students in terms of different variables and to understand if there are significant differences between them.The scope of this research, test group is 150 university students from Fırat University Faculty of Sports Sciences in different departments in 2015-2016 academic years.To determining empathic tendency level of Faculty of Sports Sciences students, a survey was applied which is consisting two parts. In the first part of the survey, there are five questions to the demographics of the Faculty of Sport Sciences students participating in the research. In the second part of the survey “Empathic Education Scale” “EES” by (Dökmen) 1988 was used. Obtained data were analyzed with SPSS 17.0 package program, significant level was accepted as 0.05.As a result; It was determined that the empathic tendencies of university students receiving sports education are high. However, the empathic tendencies of the research group also resulted in the absence of any effects of gender, age, department, parental education levels.

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