Cardiovascular homeostasis is maintained, in part, by neural signals arising from arterial baroreceptors (BRs) that apprise the brain of blood volume and pressure within the carotid sinus and aortic arch. Here, we test the overall hypothesis that neurons within the nodose ganglia that express the angiotensin type 1a receptor (referred to as NDGAT1aR) serve as BR that undergo plasticity during chronic elevations in blood pressure (BP). Towards this end, mice that express Cre‐recombinase at the AT1aR locus were delivered a Cre‐dependent AAV to express tdTomato within NDGAT1aR. These studies revealed that NDGAT1aR receive input from the aortic arch and carotid sinus, project to the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract (cNTS), and synthesize mechanosensitive ion channels, Piezo‐1/‐2. To determine whether NDGAT1aR couple their firing to elevated BP, we generated mice with the expression of the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator, GCaMP6s, directed to the AT1aR locus. Two‐photon (2P) intravital imaging revealed that phenylephrine (PE; i.v.) significantly increased GCaMP6s fluorescence within NDGAT1aR. To determine if optogenetic perturbation of NDGAT1aR at their soma or axon terminals within the cNTS affect the baroreflex, we directed the expression of excitatory (channelrhodpsin2; ChR2) or inhibitory (halorhodopsin; Halo) opsins to the AT1aR locus. Optical excitation of NDGAT1aR at their soma or axons terminals in the cNTS, elicited robust and frequency‐dependent decreases in BP and heart rate. Conversely, optical inhibition of afferents in the cNTS originating from NDGAT1aR blunted pressor responses to PE. The implication is that NDGAT1aR are sufficient and necessary to elicit appropriate compensatory responses to vascular mechanosensation induced by vasoconstriction. Opsin‐ or GCaMP6s‐expressing mice were then subjected to the DOCA‐salt model of hypertension. Optical excitation elicited hypotensive and bradycardic responses; however, the duration of these effects was altered, consistent with hypertension‐induced impairment of BR. Similarly, the increased GCaMP6s fluorescence observed after administration of PE was significantly delayed in mice that were subjected to DOCA‐salt or chronic delivery of angiotensin II. Finally, AT1aR‐flox mice were delivered AAV expressing Cre and/or tdTomato into the nodose ganglia to probe the function of AT1aR(s) themselves, in mediating the baroreflex. Preliminary results indicate deleting AT1aR(s) from the nodose ganglia alters pressor responses to vasoactive drugs. Collectively, these results reveal the structure and function of NDGAT1aR and suggest that such neurons may be exploited to discern and relieve hypertension.
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