Previous work, using fluorescent adenosine receptor agonists and antagonists, has provided novel insights into the allosteric regulation of adenosine A3 (A3AR) and A1 (A1AR) receptors by allosteric ligands and receptor dimerization in single living cells [1, 2]. We have also used a fluorescent analogue of {type:entrez-protein,attrs:{text:CGP12177,term_id:877152897,term_text:CGP12177}}CGP12177 to investigate ligand binding to the human β1-adrenoceptor. This work has demonstrated that there is negative cooperativity between the two different ligand-binding conformations of the β1-adrenoceptor activated by catecholamines and {type:entrez-protein,attrs:{text:CGP12177,term_id:877152897,term_text:CGP12177}}CGP12177 respectively [3]. Finally, we have used fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) to investigate ligand binding to A1AR and A3AR in small 0.2 µm2 microdomains of single living cells [4]. FCS studies with a fluorescent A3-agonist have enabled high affinity labeling of the active conformation (R*) of the receptor [4]. We have also used a fluorescent adenosine A3-antagonist ({type:entrez-nucleotide,attrs:{text:CA200645,term_id:35234116,term_text:CA200645}}CA200645) to study the binding characteristics of antagonist-occupied receptor conformations (R) in membrane microdomains of single cells [5]. Investigation of the dissociation kinetics of {type:entrez-nucleotide,attrs:{text:CA200645,term_id:35234116,term_text:CA200645}}CA200645 provided further support for allosteric regulation of this receptor by homodimerization [5].
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an incurable neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive dementia
The results of the present study indicate that development of the neuronal hypoxic tolerance induced by the three-trial, in contrast to one-trial, mild hypoxic preconditioning is apparently largely associated with the activation of CREB, as well as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and Bcl-2 overexpression
No significant differences in serum level of Solubile form of RAGE (sRAGE) where found between rapidly progressing and slow progressing subgroup of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients.Our results suggest for the role of sRAGE in MS ethiopathogenesis, but we did not find any association of sRAGE in serum with the rate of MS disability progression
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an incurable neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive dementia. The aim of the study was to characterize the effects of streptozocin (STZ)-indced diabetes on learning and memory of 5XFAD and wild-type (WT) mice in Morris water maze (MWM) at ages 2 and 6 months and on brain amyloid load. Existing evidence suggests GABAergic system is involved in pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) via inhibitory interneuron deficits (Verret et al, 2012) and decrease in functional GABAA receptors (Limon et al, 2012). Our concept: low doses of muscimol may prevent learning/memory deficits in intracerebroventricular (icv) streptozocin (STZ)-induced AD nontransgenic rat model. The Sigma-1 receptor is a chaperone protein that modulates intracellular calcium signalling of the endoplasmatic reticulum and is involved in learning and memory processes.The aim of the present study was to compare in vitro Ca2+ concentration modulating activity and in vivo behavioural effects of enantiomers of methylphenylpiracetam, a novel positive allosteric modulator of Sigma-1 receptors
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