
The interacting boson and vector boson models, as well as the Bohr–Mottelson one, are employed to describe the energy levels and electromagnetic transitions of the 178Yb–186Pt (N = 108) nuclei. For the purpose of determining the evolution of the ground state, both r((I + 2)/I) and E-GOS ratios have been calculated as functions of the spin I. Based on the interacting vector boson model and Bohr–Mottelson model, the negative-parity and GSB bands have been calculated, while the interacting boson model is only employed to calculate GSB, y, and b. The interacting boson model is also used to calculate the reduced transition probabilities B(E2). The obtained findings show a very well agreement with experimentally obtained results elsewhere. We also used the intrinsic coherent state to obtain the potential energy surfaces. These results indicate that these nuclei have a rotational property SU(3), while 186Pt has property O(6).

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