Abstract The AP600 is a Westinghouse Advanced Passive PWR with a two–loop 1 940 MWt. This reactor is equipped with advanced passive safety systems which are designed to operate automatically at desired set-points. On the other hand, the failure or nonavailability to operate of any of the passive safety systems may affect reactor safety. In this study, modeling and nodalization of primary and secondary loops, and all passive reactor cooling systems are conducted and a 10-inch cold leg break LOCA is analyzed using ATHLET 3.1A Code. During loss of coolant accident in which the passive safety system failure or nonavailability are considered, four different scenarios are assumed. Scenario 1 with the availability of all passive systems, scenario 2 is failure of one of the accumulators to activate, scenario 3 is without actuation of the automatic depressurization system (ADS) stages 1–3, and scenario 4 is without actuation of ADS stage 4. Results indicated that the actuation of passive safety systems provide sufficient core cooling and thus could mitigate the accidental consequence of LOCAs. Failure of one accumulator during LOCA causes early actuation of ADS and In-Containment Refueling Water Storage Tank (IRWST). In scenario 3 where the LOCA without ADS stages 1–3 actuations, the depressurization of the primary system is relatively slow and the level of the core coolant drops much earlier than IRWST actuation. In scenario 4 where the accident without ADS stage-4 activation, results in slow depressurization and the level of the core coolant drops earlier than IRWST injection. During the accident process, the core uncovery and fuel heat up did not happen and as a result the safety of AP600 during a 10-in. cold leg MBLOCA was established. The relation between the cladding surface temperature and the primary pressure with the actuation signals of the passive safety systems are compared with that of RELAP5/Mode 3.4 code and a tolerable agreement was obtained.
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