An oscillator is a vital component as the energy source in microwave telecommunication system. Microwave oscillators designed using Gunn diode have poor DC to RF efficiency. IMPact Ionization Avalanche Transit-Time diode (IMPATT) oscillators have the drawback of poor noise performance. The transistorized oscillators have a limitation to the maximum oscillation frequency which means that they cannot be used for oscillators designed for high frequencies. To design negative series feedback Dielectric Resonator Oscillator (DRO), the resonant unit uses a dielectric resonator (DR) since it is small in size, light in weight, has high-Quality ([Formula: see text]) factor, better stability and also it is inexpensive. It has the benefits of low-phase noise, low cost, miniaturization, high stability, applicable for devices designed at high frequencies and had already been widely applied, so the research on microwave dielectric oscillator has also been one of the focus of today’s microwave integrated circuits. DRO is widely used in electronic warfare, missile, radar and communication systems. The DRO incorporates High-Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) as an active device since it offers higher power-added efficiency combined with excellent low-noise figures and performance. The entire circuit of DRO using HEMT at 26[Formula: see text]GHz is designed using Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS) software. In this, DRO different measurements of parameters are done such as output power which is typically [Formula: see text][Formula: see text]dBm for 26[Formula: see text]GHz DRO, phase noise at 10[Formula: see text]kHz offset for 26[Formula: see text]GHz DRO it is 80[Formula: see text]dBc/Hz. The frequency pushing and frequency pulling for 26[Formula: see text]GHz DRO its typical values are 30[Formula: see text]kHz/V and 1[Formula: see text]MHz, respectively.
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