
An investigation was undertaken to determine if the placental alkaline phosphatase of the rat enters the maternal circulation and to study some of its characteristics. Unlike human, rat placental alkaline phosphatase was found to be heat labile and the alkaline phosphatase activity in the serum of both pregnant and non-pregnant rats was also found to be heat labile. Also unlike the human, the alkaline phosphatase activity in rat serum does not increase as pregnancy progresses to term. In an endeavour to establish if the rat placental enzyme is present in the serum of the pregnant rat, the characteristics of the enzyme in both placental extracts and serum of non-pregnant and 1-, 2- and 3-week pregnant rats were studied using the techniques of heat stability at 56°, gel filtration through Sephadex columns, disc gel electrophoresis, and L-phenylalanine inhibition. The presence of rat placental alkaline phosphatase in maternal serum could not be positively demonstrated by any of these procedures, suggesting that rat placental alkaline phosphatase does not enter the maternal serum.

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