
Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), the Laue X-ray method and electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) have been combined to study a crystal ribbon of molybdenum oxide. The crystal ribbon was grown after properly heating a molybdenum polycrystalline substrate at 900 ° C in an oxidizing ambient. The dimensions of the crystal ribbon are 21.5 mm in length, 1.2 mm in width, and 2800 Å in thickness, as measured by RBS. It is flexible and transparent with two shiny surfaces. The Laue X-ray pattern shows that the crystal ribbon is a single crystal, and the lauegrams are very sensitive to the crystal thickness. There are perfect lauegrams for the 2800 Å thick specimen, while some enlarged spots were observed for another, thinner specimen, because of the distortion in the crystal lattice. Both RBS and ESCA show that the single crystal is analytically pure and it is expected to be a kind of molybdena crystal; the stoichiometric formula is MoO 2.8 . A possible explanation of the crystal growth is mentioned in the present work.

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