
Goal. Development of methodology and technical support for investigating the level of protective properties of personal protective equipment (PPE) of firefighters under the influence of low temperatures. Method. Method of studying the protective properties of firefighters' protective clothing in conditions of low temperatures. Results. The imperfection of normative-technical support and the lack of methods for defining the protective properties of firefighters' PPE in conditions of low temperatures influence are established. An algorithm for the study of protective properties of special PPE materials and instrument was developed. Scientific novelty. The developed device and method for determining the protective properties of a firefighter's PPE during the influence of low temperatures allowed to determine and predict the fire time of a fireman under conditions of influence of low temperatures, under conditions of probable temperature regimes during the elimination of the consequences of emergencies with the release (outflow) of ammonia, a set of his protective clothing should correspond to the total thermal resistance with an index of 1,5 ’ 2,4 m2 • K / W, which will ensure that the comfort temperature reaches the level of supercoiling of the human skin surface an d to the probable This ergonomic overload. Practical significance. The proposed equipment provides low temperature measurements with a magnitude of exposure up to -35 ° С.

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