
Scientific employment guidance service system can effectively help the university graduates to accurately grasp their own position, to enhance employability and ability to adapt to the environment has a positive meaning. In this paper, based on the multiple Department of Guangxi Institute of Industry Technology (Department) of the relevant data of graduate employment guidance service demand investigation and analysis, put forward from the optimization of employment guidance course curriculum, strengthen the construction of the Career Guidance Troop and reading service and other aspects to carry out the workplace employment counseling, effectively improve the quality of college students employment guidance services. KEYWORD: Vocational College; graduates; employment guidance services International Conference on Social Science, Education Management and Sports Education (SSEMSE 2015) © 2015. The authors Published by Atlantis Press 501 improve graduates employment ability for school through the employment guidance, professional reading service. In order to understand the changes before and after the graduates in the industry needs, to develop specific methods of employment guidance service in 2012, December and 2013 the author respectively for different professional college graduates and has tried not to try industry graduates do sampling questionnaire survey on workplace employment information needs. The results of the survey are as follows: 1. The investigation object is not the test industry: college graduates of 300 people, the corresponding sampling questionnaire: occupation career planning, information collection and analysis, the employment policy and market information, employment psychological guidance, interview skills, occupation guidance analysis of successful case, entrepreneurial way 7 aspects respectively: 80%, the demand for data 90%, 60%, 40%, 60%, 40%, 60%; the investigation object: try industry 100 graduates, corresponding to the sampling questionnaire: occupation career planning, information collection and analysis, the employment policy and market information, employment psychological guidance, interview skills, occupation guidance analysis of successful case, entrepreneurial way 7 aspects demand data are: 60%, 60%, 60%, 70%, 46%, 60%, 60%. From the results, not try industry graduates uncertainty on the occupation planning and positioning, need guidance to smooth employment, at the same time, due to lack of experience, cannot effectively on the employment information and analysis. From the survey has been test industry at graduation, because have begun to try industry, facing many problems and setbacks, in urgent need of workplace experience, psychological adjustment advisory, but whether or not the test industry, graduates have great interest and expectation of selfhelp business. The above data in favor of the school according to the effective employment guidance services. 2 TO EXPLORE THE IMPLEMENTATION WAY OF PROMOTING GRADUATE EMPLOYMENT GUIDANCE SERVICE QUALITY Employment guidance service should be run through the student career beginning, students from entrance to graduation, the school must carry out, construction employment and entrepreneurship guidance service system, the formation mechanism and the method of the effective employment guidance. 2.1 Strengthen the employment guidance service teachers team construction 2.1.1 The advance of teacher specialization. The establishment of a branch by internal and external experts and scholars, well-known entrepreneurs, outstanding alumni, professional teachers and counselors, composed with professional and professional employment guidance team. 2.1.2 Promote teachers professional. Strengthen the employment guidance staff training, to master the employment comprehensive professional knowledge, and the organization of employment guidance teachers to business credentials post exercise, participation in industry innovation, the accumulation of experience. 2.2 Construct curriculum system in accordance with the laws of the growth of the students Construct curriculum system in accordance with the laws of the growth of students, practice enriches the content of employment guidance course. 2.2.1 Employment guidance curriculum design The author served as college students employment guidance course at the Guangxi Institute of Industry Technology Department of management science, according to the psychological characteristics and needs of different stages of college students and the curriculum design of the employer needs, the teaching content will be divided into three big modules. Employment guidance curriculum design as follows: module 1 --quasi people job oriented (new stage). Focus on the target: training, employment consciousness occupation comprehensive ability (expression, writing, etiquette and so on), the information acquisition ability. Teaching contents: from the perspective of enterprise to certain occupation people, language expression, communication ability training, courseware, workplace etiquette training. Module 2: professional orientation and development (grade two university). On the aim: professional skills ability, career planning ability. Teaching contents: industry research, understand the typical professional and special position, all kinds of professional qualification research skills, career planning. Module 3 job ability promotion (University of grade three). Focus on the target: the employment of combat capability. Teaching contents: Master resume writing, interview skills, personalized learning method of assault counseling, employment and workplace issues analysis case.

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