Because fossilized skeletal remains and enclosing sedimentary rocks experience similar diagenetic conditions (i.e., temperature, pressure, and pore fluid interaction,) enclosing sedimentary rocks may provide insight into bone diagenesis. A fossil assemblage, including in situ dinosaur fossils, was discovered in Makoshika State Park near Glendive, MT. Fossil-bearing sandstone is a crevasse splay deposit, and fossils show no sorting or preferred orientation. Bone-bearing sandstone exhibits evidence for intense diagenesis, suggesting a maximum temperature of ~90 °C. Concretion associated with fossils includes two distinctive matrices: dark- and light-colored matrices. Another concretion was found in channel sandstone near the base of the outcrop. These carbonate phases have distinctive isotopic compositions; δ13C values for dark-colored matrices, light-colored matrices, and spheroidal concretion are −7.5, 2.1, and −22.4‰ (VPDB), respectively, and their δ18O values are 16.4, 25.9, and 17.8‰ (VSMOW), respectively. In contrast, fossilized bone δ13C and δ18O values were −4.4‰ (VPDB) and 20.6‰ (VSMOW), respectively, suggesting fractionation with pore fluid was limited. Early carbonate precipitation evidenced by grain coating may have reduced interaction between pore fluids and fossils. Although concretion formation and permineralization do not appear to directly aid in fossil preservation, concretions preserve valuable evidence for diagenetic history.
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