
The notion of change in the political institution is associated with multifarious factors. In the current scenario, modernization is one of the foremost factors which transformed the diverse aspects of political institution. This paper is an attempt to shed light on the impact of modernization on the political institution. The quantitative research strategy has been adopted in this research. The data was collected (n=250) from seven tehsils of district Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The univariate analysis, descriptive statistics and agreement indices were used. Diverse aspects have been explored in this research like political participation of growing middle-class people, awareness of common masses regarding the importance of the vote and their access to the elected representatives, voter behavior, turnout ratio, political accountability, electoral reforms, governance, youth and gender-based political participation and access of common masses to the political leaders. The study results revealed significant impacts of modernization on political institution.

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