
Since 2009, DKI Jakarta Province as the capital city of Indonesia has been declared a critical groundwater area. This can be seen from the decrease in groundwater level and reduced volume of groundwater reserves. To overcome this increase in groundwater levels, the DKI Jakarta Regional Government has issued DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation No. 156 of 2012 on Energy and Water Saving. This study aims to investigate the efforts of the school to conserve groundwater use in the school building area. Data collection and analysis were carried out through distributing questionnaires to the respondents in the form of school staff spread across 35 high schools in Jakarta Province. Of the 3 categories of questionnaire questions in the form of; The efforts of the regional government in implementing the policy of saving groundwater; the groundwater condition of the school; and the condition of groundwater saving education in schools, shows that even though there are regulations on water saving, the school does not understand the regulation because the government has not implemented any policy socialization and training on saving groundwater. Senior high school level schools do not yet have a nationally standardized curriculum related to water management so this could potentially hamper the 10% target achievement of groundwater savings launched by the DKI Jakarta government.

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