
Methodology bears very concrete role-in the-teaching learning-processto convey any learning material, psychologists and educationists haverecommended both cognitive and behavioral methods in this regard.Storytelling method is one of these methods being applied in theclassroom teaching. Storytelling involves two-way encounters betweena storyteller and one or more listeners. The answers of the listeners affectthe plot. In reality, storytelling arises from the engagement and mutual,organized efforts of the storyteller and the audience. This study wasaimed at investigating the method of increasing the memory of studentsof class 4th in the subject of English. Objectives of the study were: (i) toanalyze the effectiveness of storytelling method of teaching, (ii) to findout the impact of storytelling method on the memory increase ofstudents, (iii) to explore the motivational effects of storytelling methodon students, (iv) to investigate the effects of storytelling method onreading fluency of students. The study population was all girls inNowshera district primary schools. As a sample of the report, 40 grade 4students from a Government Girls Primary School were taken. Thesestudents were divided into two classes, which were experimental andcontrolled by random pair sampling on the basis of pre-test and post-test.Pre-test and post-test were used as analysis tools; the data obtained wastabulated and analyzed using t-test and percentage in the light of thestudy objectives. The analysis of the collected data revealed thefollowing findings. It was concluded from the results that Storytellingmethod had significant effect on students’ achievement and the learnertook interest in the learning. The result of the study showed thatstorytelling method had significant impact on memory increase ofstudents. Hence it is recommended that teachers may teach elementarysubjects through storytelling methods and Government should arrangeteacher’s refresher course for storytelling method. It is recommended that teachers should adopt the storytelling method while teaching atelementary level. It was concluded that storytelling method hadsignificance motivational effect on students.

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