
Abstract The authors examine the effect of seasonal crop development and growth on the warm-season mesoscale heat, moisture, and momentum fluxes over the central Great Plains region of North America. The effect of crop growth and development on the atmospheric boundary layer is addressed in a follow-up paper (Part II). Energy, moisture, and momentum fluxes are studied over a maize agroecosystem at the scale of a 90-km atmospheric grid cell. Daily plant development and growth functions incorporated into the surface flux calculations are based on a physiological crop growth model CERES-Maize version 3.0. CERES-Maize simulates daily plant growth and development as a function of both environmental conditions (temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, and soil moisture) and plant-specific genetic parameters. Plant growth and development functions from CERES were incorporated into the Biosphere–Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS), and selected crop parameters [i.e., Leaf Area Index (LAI) and crop height] were ...

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