
Nano-refrigerants, which are the suspensions of nano-sized particles in a base fluid, were applied in many devices and systems to enhance thermal conductivity and improve heat transfer performance. This work studied the thermal and atomic behavior of two kinds of nano-refrigerants located inside an aluminum nanochannel for 5 ns. The molecular dynamics (simulation method simulated Nano-refrigerants, including R-134a and R-407A as base fluids and copper as nanoparticles. The density, velocity, and temperature profiles were studied to investigate the atomic behavior of the simulated sample. The thermal behavior of structures was studied by examining the phase transition rate, phase change time, thermal conductivity, and heat flux. The results show that R-407A base fluid showed better thermal behavior. The results show that in Cu/R-407A, the phase-changed particle reached 31% in 5 ns, and phase change time was estimated to be 3.91 ns. In contrast, in Cu/R-134a, the samples' phase changed particle and phase change time reached 26% and 4.06 ns. Moreover, the study of heat flux shows that nano-refrigerant with R-407A base fluid had more HF (1028 W/m2) than R-134a (654 W/m2). The results show that the thermal conductivity of R-407A and R-134a nano-refrigerant converged to 0.0975 and 0.0098 W/mK, respectively.

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