
Antibiotic resistance is a global challenge, whose emergence is associated with the irrational and uncontrolled use of antimicrobial drugs, or the use of antibiotics to prevent local and systemic complications during the surgical operations. Therefore, the number of failed outcomes of the planned treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes with antibiotics has increased. Given this fact, it is important to study the potential of antiseptic drugs, which usually do not cause the microorganism resistance and thus are more advantageous over antibiotics. Objective of this study is to compare the effects of antiseptics Decasan, Chlorhexidine and Iodoform on clinical and typical strains of microorganisms using the disco-diffusion method according to the EUCAST. Materials and methods: Typical strains of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 14990 were used as the studied cultures of microorganisms. Clinical isolates of the microorganisms Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis were collected from patients with postextraction complications, who took treatment at surgical departments of Poltava. Identification of isolated cultures was performed using an automatic bacteriological analyzer Vitec-2 compact bioMarieux (France). The antibacterial effect of antiseptic drugs Dekasan, Chlorhexidine, Iodoform was studied. Given that iodoform is poorly soluble in water, we used its 5% alcohol solution, which was prepared ex tempore. The susceptibility of the studied strains to antiseptics was determined by disco-diffusion method according to the EUCAST committee. The determination was performed by using Mueller-Hinton medium (HIMEDIA, India) with standard sterile disks, which were not impregnated (HIMEDIA, India). Then we impregnated them with solutions of Decasan, Chlorhexidine and 5% alcohol solution of iodoform. We used a microbial inoculum equivalent to according to the McFarland turbidity standard. Prepared Petri dishes containing impregnated paper disks were incubated overnight at 35-36 °C, after which the results were determined. Results and discussion: The study has shown that the antiseptic Decasan has a greater antistaphylococcal effect on typical strains and clinical isolates of staphylococci compared to other antiseptics, which are often used in dentistry. The lowest antistaphylococcal effect on the studied microorganisms has been found by applying 5% alcohol solution of iodoform, Chlorhexidine has demonstrated the moderate effect on the strains under the study.

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