
This paper offers academic community the relevant results given by a research project –DIS 968– conducted by MEMPED research group at FAEDIS –Facultad de Estudios a Distancia– in “Nueva Granada” Military University, whose goal was to identify and typify a formative research of official training programs in Military Science, Aeronautics Administration, Naval Administration, and Police Administration involved in Colombian Army and Police. In this regard, methodology used by the research group started from two approaches, i.e. documentary and ethnographic techniques linked to a structural triangulation from a descriptive-documentary approach and interviews to supplement specificities and particularities of programs analysed. Findings offer basically a functional description of officers’ “training and research” structure, the teaching tools to improve formative research, and finally the constituents to identify the research culture of each school. Finally, theoretical, teaching and didactical instruments are dynamically described to characterize the formative research from each school and a proposal to build a second stage, which outlines a knowledge management model, bringing together a brain capital, a relational capital and a knowledge capital, typical of officers’ training programs of Colombian Army and Police.

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