
The present study deals with pesticides, and their potential risk of contamination in the municipalities of the Cariús River micro-watershed (Cariri – CE). In general terms, it aimed to analyze the environmental fragility to the use of pesticides and to identify the active principles used, their respective environmental risks and their process of accumulation, transport and contamination of soil and water, in the area that covers the municipalities of Santana do Cariri, Nova Olinda, Farias Brito and Cariús, located in the south of the state of Ceará. To carry it out, the GUS Index (Groundwater Ubiquity Score) was applied in the active principles of pesticides sold and applied in the region, as in a model suggested by Neves, Gomes and Spadotto (1998), which takes into account the leaching and resulting surface runoff variables, and the natural characteristics (Pedology, hydraulic conductivity, altitude and slope) in the delimitation of areas with natural susceptibility to environmental impacts resulting from the application of pesticides. The results indicated that the entire region is susceptible to contamination caused by the indiscriminate use of pesticides, with great potential for contamination of groundwater and surface water. Due to their high leaching capacity, the following products should be abolished: Connect, Atrazine Nortox 500 SC, Calaris, Nicosulfuron Nortox 750 WG, DMA® 806 BR, Tucson, Quallis, U46, Artys, Aminol, Tordon and Disparo®. Glyphosate, Karate Zeon 50 CS, Klorpan, Pyrinex 480 EC, and Decis 25EC should be avoided or replaced with alternative techniques. It is recommended to diversify the production and promotion of organic agriculture through sustainable agricultural techniques/practices and with lower environmental impacts.

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