
Purpose. To determine the features of the cultivation of energy plantation of poplar variety ‘Robusta’ on leached chernozems in the Central Forest Steppe of Ukraine.
 Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical.
 Results. Climatic changes actualize the need for the transition of agrarian business of Ukraine to agroforestry systems not only in the Steppe, but also in more northern regions of the country. The purpose of the research was to study the features of establishing poplar (Populus × euramericana) field protection plantations in the Central Forest Steppe of Ukraine. It was established that an effective way to increase the survival rate of one-year cutting seedlings of poplar varieties ‘Dorskamp’, ‘Robusta’ and ‘I‑45/51’ is to plant them without trunks. In all studied varieties, during the first two years, the survival of seedlings was higher in the version without a trunk and ranged from 57.0 to 68.9%, while in seedlings with a trunk it ranged from 50.3% to 68.1%. In 2022, due to irrigation, the survival rate was from 74.4% to 88.9%. The average height was also higher in plants grown from seedlings without a trunk. It turned out to be the highest in plants of the ‘Dorskamp’ clone, ranging from 188.6 to 209.3 cm. In uncutted plants of this variety, it was from 174.0 to 197.2 cm. It is advisable to continue the research started with the aim of breeding new forms of poplar and improving the technologies of creating forest and field plantations with the use of the varieties which can be used in the Polissia and Forest Steppe zones.

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