
Welcome to this special humor issue of Europe’s Journal of Psychology. This August 2010 EJOP issue is devoted to a presentation of contemporary psychological research on humor, with a particular emphasis on work that targets the personality and social aspects of humor, including stress, coping and well-being. This special issue can be placed into a broader context by noting that we are currently enjoying a psychological renaissance in research on humor. Each year, an increasing number of scientific articles are being published about the psychological aspects of humor. This is clearly seen in Table 1, which provides one rough index of humor publications in psychology over the past thirty years. This was done by searching in PsychINFO, using the term “humor,” across a sequence of one-year time periods (beginning in 1980), and then advancing in five year increments. Thus, starting in 1980, there was a grand total of 47 publications on psychological aspects of humor in all of that year, with 25 of these being in peer-reviewed journals. Moving forward, we begin to see a slow but steady increase in humor research, reaching an overall total of 119 works published in 1995, with the majority of these now in peer-reviewed sources (88).


  • Welcome to this special humor issue of Europe’s Journal of Psychology

  • This w as done by approaching a number of prominent humor inv estigators in sev eral different countries (Canada, United States, Great Britain, Belgium, Norw ay and Lebanon); and asking them to prov ide a sample of their w ork that w ould be suitable for a special Europe’s Journal of Psychology (EJOP) issue focusing on personality and social psychological approaches to humor

  • As you read through the articles presented in this special humor issue of EJOP, I hope you find them to be informativ e and enlightening, and perhaps spark an interest in research studies that you may w ish to conduct in the humor domain

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Total Published Works

Europe’s Journal of Psychology starting in 1980, there w as a grand total of 47 publications on psychological aspects of humor in all of that year, w ith 25 of these being in peer-rev iew ed journals. Ev idence from the most recent one year period av ailable (2009) indicates that this interest in the psychological inv estigation of humor still continues at a high rate of enthusiasm, w ith the total number of published w orks abov e 500, and peer-rev iew ed publications forming almost three-quarters of this total (377) Giv en this recent exponential grow th in psychological research on humor, it seemed both timely and appropriate to put together a special issue that w ould show case some of this w ork. Some of the w ork reported in this special EJOP issue addresses dev elopmental factors that link childhood upbringing w ith certain humor styles; w hereas other research reported here considers the cross-cultural similarities and differences in the effects of humor on social and personal relationships.

Development of SHQ and Subsequent Variants
Concluding Comments
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