
Ron Pelias shows us how to be comfortable with the surprises the readers encounter as they meander through story—or at least how to stop trying to control the journey and focus more on the road; to lead, as some wayfinding scholars have suggested, from the belly rather than the head. A range of scholarly literature has addressed the term and practice of wayfinding. This scholarship includes, but is not limited to, the fields of design, architecture, digital media, engineering, gaming, virtual reality, and in proliferating disciplines of artificial intelligence including smart homes and smart cities. A range of scholarly literature has addressed term and practice of wayfinding. This scholarship includes, but is not limited to, the fields of design, architecture, digital media, engineering, gaming, virtual reality, and in the proliferating disciplines of artificial intelligence including smart homes and smart cities. Deploying critical auto-ethnography as a decolonizing methodology guides her as works to undermine Western essentialisms around space, body, and mind.

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