
This text encourages the examination, analysis, constructive criticism, and explanations of current issues/problems within sport, leading to advancing understandings concerning our global societal issues. This is because sport can be a powerful and effective vehicle for highlighting and advancing sustainable development in all sectors of society. Toward this end, this chapter introduces the relatively new concept of sport and sustainable development (S&SD) and its essential role in building robust societal systems from six key perspectives, including the personal, social, economic, ecological, technological, and political viewpoints. The discussion applies two theoretical concepts to S&SD. First, the analytical theoretical concept (involving understanding that the world is a complex combination of the six perspectives) is used to advance understandings of our modern sporting society, including its benefits and flaws. These understandings can aid in advancing a prescriptive way forward that eliminates the flaws and emphasizes the benefits. Second, the normative theoretical concept (involving the development of a universal vision of a good future sporting society, and ultimately, of our global society) helps to advance understandings of the world society today, and how we would like it to change for the future. Readers are encouraged to debate aspects within their envisioned futures and creative solutions that improve the world of sport, which can then be effectively applied to improve global society.

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